Partners with school districts to identify and collaborate around issues related to school climate and punitive discipline, especially when those issues result in high rates of suspensions and expulsions. The five key pillars of the Center’s school climate include leadership, positive relationships, engaged teaching and learning, welcoming environments, and health and safety.

The Promise Heights initiative was established in 2009 by the University of Maryland School of Social Work to improve educational outcomes for youth and ensure families are healthy and successful in the West Baltimore communities of Upton/Druid Heights.

Family Connections at Baltimore (FCB) is an agency of the University of Maryland School of Social Work (UM SSW) Social Work Community Outreach Service (SWCOS). Family Connections-Baltimore has a strong relationship with the University of Maryland School of Social Work Title IV-E Education Public Child Welfare Program. The graduate interns placed at FCB will be better prepared for strengths-based careers in child welfare.

An innovative initiative to reduce infant mortality in Baltimore City through programs emphasizing policy change, service improvements, community mobilization, and behavior change.
BHB works to decrease the two-three leading causes of infant death: premature birth, low birth weight birth, and unsafe sleep.

The PSC's Next Generation Scholars (NGS) program, originating from a Maryland State Department of Education grant, provides mentoring, academic support, and case management for students to successfully transition from middle school to high school, and ultimately to college or a career oftheir choosing.

Rise is an early learning and family support center led by the Center for Restorative Change with a primary goal of preparing children for kindergarten. Rise will offer free, comprehensive services that promote the healthy development of children from birth to 3 years of age and offer strategies to support parents and caregivers.